Why Your Teeth Feel Sensitive

If you feel a sharp pain in your teeth with every bite, it is time to turn to a tooth sensitivity specialist. Shiva Salehi, DDS, of Madison Family Dental Group, can help you learn why your teeth are sensitive and how you can manage the condition. The pain can limit you from enjoying your favorite foods, but you do not have to put up with it. If you understand why you are experiencing the sensitivity, it can be easier to avoid or lessen the sensitivity. The following are some of the reasons why your teeth feel sensitive.

Poor Brushing Techniques

Brushing is one way to maintain your oral health when done correctly. However, sometimes if you use the wrong brush, such as a hard-bristled toothbrush, or apply too much force while brushing, it might contribute to oral health complications such as sensitivity. If done for an extended period, your teeth’s protective layers can wear out, exposing the microscopic hollow tubes or canals. If you expose these tubes to extreme temperatures or acidity, you will experience discomfort and sensitivity. To avoid all these, always use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush your teeth gently.

Acidic Food

As noted, exposing acidity to your teeth can contribute to sensitivity in one way or the other. Foods such as grapefruit, lemons, pickles, and tomato sauce are acidic and often cause pain. Therefore, it’s good to avoid such if your teeth are sensitive as you seek further treatment from the tooth sensitivity specialist.

Tooth Grinding

The reason you are experiencing sensitivity can be because you are a tooth-grinder. Note that although your enamel is the most substantial constituent in your body, it can be worn out by the grinding of teeth. If that happens, you expose the dentin that contains the hollow tubes that lead to your nerves. As a result, you will experience sensitivity when you expose the tubes to extreme temperatures. Your tooth sensitivity specialist can help you stop the grinding through various treatment options.

Tooth-whitening Toothpaste

Many toothpaste manufacturers today are adding tooth-whitening chemicals to their toothpaste formulas. The chemicals can be sensitive to your teeth or cause your teeth to be sensitive to other substances. However, sensitivity varies from one person to another. Therefore, seek medical help from an expert who will diagnose your condition and tell you if your toothpaste contributes to the sensitivity. Meanwhile, it would be better to switch to a toothpaste that doesn’t contain a whitening agent.

You Might Have a Gum Disease

It is good to keep up with oral health as you age as receding gums have become increasingly familiar with age and have been causing sensitivity to your teeth. You need expert care to understand if gingivitis or gum disease is contributing to your sensitivity. In that case, your provider will design the best treatment for your condition to help you manage the sensitivity.

Dental Procedures

Several dental procedures such as an extraction, crown placement, or a root canal can cause sensitivity. However, the sensitivity should not last long, and your provider can help you through the recovery procedure. Should the sensitivity persist long after the procedure, you should schedule another visit to your provider for additional help.

The reasons why your teeth are sensitive are vast, and these are only a few. If you are experiencing sensitivity, let your sensitivity specialist diagnose the condition to get to the condition’s root and recommend the best treatment option.

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