Pain-Relieving Techniques to Help Avoid Normalizing Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

Chronic pains are frustrating and limit you from living a comfortable life. Besides the debilitating pain you are suffering from, finding the right treatment option could also be daunting. Dr. David Rabinovici and his team of expert neurologists at NY Neurology Associates rely on modern diagnostic evaluations to provide their patients with advanced and effective care. These professionals have expertise in various areas including pediatric neurology, pain management, and rehabilitation.

Other areas of specialization include:

TMJ Injections

Your temporomandibular joint is one of your body’s most frequently used joints. Found at your skull’s base, the joint allows your upper and lower joints to move efficiently. TMJ is a complex system of tendons, muscles, and bones and an injury on the joint can result in tooth pain, jaw pain, headaches, difficulty chewing or a popping sound when you bite. To treat TMJ disorders at home, your doctor might recommend self-care treatments like eating soft foods to minimize jaw movements. The specialist could also advise on gentle exercises and massaging your affected jaw.

However, if the pain fails to subside, your doctor will recommend a TMJ injection. The injection uses corticosteroids to suppress your immune system to minimize inflammation and relieve pain. During the procedure, your doctor will inject you with local anesthesia to numb your treatment area and help you remain comfortable throughout the process. He will then cleanse the injection site before administering the medication to your joints.

The expert could also use Botox injections as an alternative treatment to relieve jaw tension. The injections also clear headaches resulting from lockjaw and teeth grinding.

Epidural Injections

An epidural injection shields you from pain and inflammation emanating from your lower back, spreading through your legs and arms. If you have tried various conventional treatments to relieve chronic neck and back pain you should consult with your doctor and ask if an epidural injection could be an option for you.

You are likely to experience neck and back pain when your spinal nerves are compressed or are inflamed. Malfunctioning nerves cause symptoms throughout the nerve length, forcing you to experience severe pain, muscle weakness, and numbness. The various conditions your doctor could recommend an epidural injection for include degenerative disc disease and herniated disc.

During the procedure, your doctor will inject a steroid and local anesthesia into your epidural space. While inside your epidural space, the medications will flow around your nerves. While local anesthesia is temporary with immediate effects, the steroids offer long-lasting relief and minimize inflammation. Apart from reducing pain, the injections will allow you to participate in your regular exercises or physical therapy.

Radiofrequency Ablations

Also referred to as rhizotomy, RFA is a minimally invasive technique that destroys pain-carrying nerve fibers sending signals to your brain. The procedure will offer you lasting relief, especially if the chronic pain affects your back, neck, and joints. During the process, your doctor will use heat to minimize or end pain transmission. RFA has various benefits. Besides avoiding a surgical procedure, it is fast, efficient, and needs no downtime.

Neck and back pains can prevent you from leading a comfortable life, especially if the pain becomes chronic. Do not normalize pain when you can contact the experts to help you live a pain-free life. For more inquiries, schedule an appointment today and talk to your doctor.

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