Minimally Invasive Surgery for Back Pain

Frisco back pain

Most people lose hope when conventional medicine fails to treat their back pain, but this should not be the situation, as minimally invasive interventional treatment could work better for the condition. Minimally invasive surgery on the spinal cord relieves back pain using smaller incisions than regular surgery, leaving little harm to the bones, muscles, and other tissues on the back. You could ask for recommendations for Frisco back pain experts near you who could conduct the minimally invasive surgery and help you feel less pain, recover quickly, all while elevating the back pain.

Minimally Invasive Surgery Procedure

Unlike the standard surgery method on your back that could require a long incision on the back, minimally invasive procedures use small incisions precisely on the injured part of the spinal cord. The procedure works around the spinal cord’s soft tissues, and it does not need to move the muscles away or remove any tissues. During the procedure, the doctor inserts a tubular retractor, a stiff tube-shaped tool that creates a tunnel to a specific spinal cord area. The surgeon can then work on the specific area by inserting tools through the tunnel while using real-time X-ray examination and other imaging devices.

Why You Might Need This Procedure

If the back pain does not subdue with medications but does not need significant surgery, you could get a minimally invasive procedure done. Some medical conditions which cause pain might not be treatable with medication and could require surgery. Some of the spinal complications include herniated disc, spinal stenosis, which causes narrowing of the spinal cord, spinal deformities and instability, infections of the spine, removal of tumours, and fractured vertebra.

Preparing For Minimally Invasive Back Surgery

When preparing for minimally invasive surgery, your doctor needs to know about any medications you take as well as if you smoke. Your doctor will advise you on quitting smoking, as it delays healing, and on what medications you should or should not take prior to the surgery. You should also provide medical history indicating allergies and any other previous spinal cord surgeries. You might also avoid eating or drinking after midnight the day prior to the surgery.

Risks of Minimally Invasive Procedure

Although minimally invasive surgery is the most appropriate procedure to reduce back pain, it has its limitations. You could get an infection on the wound if the incision does not heal correctly. Excess bleeding and pain at the incision site are also possible. If not done correctly, you could get nerve damage, blood clots, leaking spinal fluid, and other anesthesia complications. It is advisable to rest adequately after getting minimally invasive surgery to avoid these complications.

The Bottom Line

Sometimes medications might fail to effectively treat back pain, requiring minimally invasive surgery to treat conditions that cause back pain. The procedure requires minimal incision precisely on the affected area that does not cut through the tissues and muscles. It leads to quick healing and relieves the pain after correcting the issues causing the back pain.

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