Have You Considered These 5 Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures?

Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures

When it comes to cosmetic dermatology in Bowling Green, the main goal is to look your best. Whether you want your skin to look younger, tighter, or brighter, there is a wide array of procedures from which to choose. In this list, we highlight the top 5 most popular and effective of these treatments.


Neuromodulators like Botox and Dysport are some of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the United States. These injectables contain botulinum toxin, which freezes the muscles surrounding to smooth wrinkles and prevents their reappearance for up to 4 months. Typically, Botox and Dysport treatments are used to treat crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and the lines between the eyebrows.

Botox and Dysport injections are practically painless and can be administered in a few minutes in your specialist’s office. The results, on the other hand, are almost immediate and long-lasting.


Microneedling works with your body to reduce the appearance of blemishes from within. It involves creating many tiny puncture wounds on your skin to stimulate elastin and collagen production, which smooths and supports the skin. Unlike Botox and Dysport, microneedling relies on the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

While it might take several months for your skin to produce new elastin and collagen, the end result of enhanced volume, flexibility, and tightness is long-lasting.

Dermal Fillers

The levels of hyaluronic acid in your body decrease as you age, triggering collagen depletion. Since collagen is responsible for your skin’s elasticity and volume, the depletion can lead to thin cheeks, thin lips, and smile lines. Dermal fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane consist of hyaluronic acid, which they restore to your skin.

Depending on your needs, you can use dermal fillers to restore volume to your lips, cheeks, smile lines, or cheekbones. The results will last anywhere from 6 to 12 months, depending on the filler used.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel involves applying a specialized solution to the face in carefully controlled amounts to slough off the damaged outer layers of the skin. The procedure brings to the surface an inner layer of younger, smoother, and unblemished skin. Typically, there are three different levels of a chemical peel, which you can choose from depending on how deep you want the treatment to go.

Chemical peels are fairly popular in the United States. In 2018, more than 1.38 million treatments were requested all over the country.


Microdermabrasion works in much the same way as microneedling. It involves exfoliating the skin by passing a gentle stream of fine, abrasive particles over it for a specified amount of time. Usually, the treatment is effective in reducing the appearance of fine lines and superficial wrinkles. It can also improve the effects of sun damage to the skin to produce younger, smoother skin.

Talk to a Specialist Today

When your skin, nails, and hair are healthy and blemish-free, you feel great about how you look and are more confident about interacting with others. This is one of the reasons cosmetic dermatology procedures are all the rage in the United States.

If you believe one of the procedures described here could benefit you, contact Robert Skaggs, MD, FAAD, of the Kentucky Skin Cancer Center to schedule an appointment today.

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