What You Should Expect at a Routine Dental Exam

Dental Exam

You should often have a dental exam. The dentists will use this information to gather information about your oral health to determine a customized treatment plan. Regular dental exam in Orlando for patients of all ages is offered comprehensively by a specialist team from Orlando Center for Cosmetics Dentistry. If you would like to take the necessary steps towards a healthy and appealing smile, contact the clinic by calling the office or schedule an appointment online today.

How is a dental exam defined?

Thoroughly cleaning your mouth by brushing daily and flossing, is basic for your oral health. Having regular dental exams is also fundamental for oral health. The exam is very important as it can screen for problems like gingivitis and oral cancer. After the dental examination, you will have refreshed teeth that look whiter than they do after brushing.

Know what you expect for your dental exam and cleaning

At each dental visit, the dentist will review your medical history to see if any changes need to be updated. You must come with samples of all medication you are currently using or if you are diagnosed with any medical condition. The dental examination involves several steps. Your dentist will first perform the cleaning before examination of the teeth. During your first consultation, your hygienist will:

  • Remove the plaque (bacteria) from your teeth
  • Polish your teeth with a rotating brush and gel
  • Scrape the tartar (hardened plaque) from your teeth

Cleaning your teeth is a harmless procedure unless you have sensitive gums. If you do, the team works to make the experience comfortable. Other conditions will need your dentist’s request to have dental X-rays taken. These pictures of your mouth and teeth will help your dentist diagnose any potential or existing conditions that require attention.

What is the reason for you having a dental exam?

Having a dental exam and professional teeth cleaning is essential because they prevent various gum diseases and other serious health conditions. Even if you always clean your teeth by brushing and flossing at home, your teeth and gums tend to be attacked by bacteria. These bacteria build up as a film over your teeth called plaque, and it hardens into a substance called tartar that is much more complicated to get rid of it without special dental tools. If the plaque and tartar continue to build up excessively, they cause your teeth to decay, and your gums become infected.

To sum up what has been discussed above, if your dental health is generally good, your specialist will likely recommend two professional dental cleanings per year. If you have poor oral health, it is important to schedule visits at the clinic to help achieve optimal oral health. If it has been a while since you had a dental exam, schedule a dental exam by calling or use online booking tools.

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