What Happens When You Fail to See a Cardiologist for Heart Problems


Heart disease is a leading killer in the United States. So, when your doctor identifies an increased risk or symptoms of heart disease, they may recommend you to see a cardiologist. A heart problem can get severe and eventually cause more harm if not detected early. You may feel some discomfort in the chest, fatigue, breathing difficulties, and weakness; therefore, it is appropriate to visit your doctor for a checkup. It may indicate a heart problem or any other condition; for proper diagnosis and treatment, seek a cardiologist in Bakersfield, CA, at Heart Vascular and Leg Center. The team of specialists uses a wide range of techniques to diagnose and offer the right treatment for your condition.

How does my doctor diagnose a heart problem?

To diagnose heart disease, your doctor may carry out several tests to determine your heart’s condition. They may ask about your lifestyle, medical and family history, and current medications. Your doctor may proceed to carry out physical examinations such as feeling your heartbeat. The specialist may also recommend a test for your blood pressure, fat, and cholesterol levels to establish a heart problem’s potential risk. When blood tests and physical exams are over, your physician may recommend further tests such as the use of an electrocardiogram, stress tests, echocardiogram, ultrasounds, an x-ray of the chest, Computerized Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans. These tests aim at monitoring the behaviors of the heart, and in case of anomalies, they may customize the proper treatment that suits your needs.

What puts me at risk of developing heart disease?

Various health conditions, your lifestyle, age, and family history expose you to the risk of getting heart disease. Other factors that may tell you to include:


Hypertension or high blood pressure combined with obesity, smoking, and high cholesterol in the blood, you risk developing a heart problem.

High cholesterol

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance that is found in your blood. High cholesterol may cause a deposit of plaque in your blood vessels, such as the coronary arteries, thus hindering blood supply to the heart. This may lead to a heart attack.


Heart attack is the leading cause of death among people with type 2 diabetes. Maintaining the appropriate sugar levels reduces the risk of getting a heart problem.


Smoking has adverse effects on the blood vessels, such as tightening and increased or irregular heartbeat. This hinders the normal functioning of the heart.


More weight can increase cholesterol levels and cause high blood pressure, which are the risk factors for heart problems.

Lack of exercise

Regular exercises burn excess fats, thus promoting a healthy weight. This, as a result, reduces the risk of diabetes and high cholesterol. Inactivity contributes to the deposit of fats in your blood vessels, which may hinder the heart’s proper functioning and lead to a heart attack.


According to research, men develop heart problems more than women. But women suffer more after menopause.

A heart problem is a risky condition that requires early diagnosis. You need to regularly visit your doctor for a checkup if you know you have the risk of developing it. Talk to your doctor to find out more about your heart health and prevent heart attack or stroke complications.

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