What Are The Dangers of Having Vascular Diseases?

Vascular Diseases

Your heart and the circulatory system adequately supply the body with oxygen through blood circulation. To some extent, blood vessels may fail to work as required, leading to complications. Vascular disease is an abnormal behavior of blood vessels. This disease occurs when blood vessels fail to transport blood in the right manner. Dr Justin Smith is a specialist in circulatory system complication, located in San Antonio. He diagnoses and offers treatment to patients suffering from different types of vascular diseases.

Three Types of Vascular Diseases and Their Causes

Since your circulatory system comprises many different types of blood vessels, complications can occur in many ways. These types of vascular diseases include:

  • Blood clotting in veins. When blood solidifies in your veins, it is referred to as blood clotting in veins. The clot in the vein blocks and hinders the flow of blood. The clot may flow away with the blood to the lung resulting in serious complications. The causes of your blood clot may be as a result of:
  • Hormones, such as estrogen from pregnancy and birth control pills
  • Surgery on your hip or leg
  • Damaged valves and veins
  • Damaged muscles from injuries or infection
  • This disease affects arteries and veins in your legs and arms. Since the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pulse, they rely on valves and vessel contraction that keeps them moving. When these vessels are missing, fluid can accumulate, resulting in swelling. This condition might be caused by:
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Infections
  • Surgeries
  • Serious injuries
  • It is a vascular disease that affects the walls of your blood vessels, mainly the aorta. The aorta is the main blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood from the heart. The aneurysm disorder can be manifested in your chest or your belly. However, an aneurysm can put you at risk of blood clotting, which can move to a severe part of your circulatory system, causing great danger.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Vascular Diseases?

You may not have symptoms of vascular diseases. However, most of the symptoms are felt in the legs and arms. Insufficient blood in the legs and arms depends on which artery is affected. The following are some of the symptoms:

  • Sore on the foot or leg that will not heal
  • Loss of hair in legs
  • Weakening of legs
  • Impotence

When you encounter these symptoms, immediately consult your doctor to prevent severe problems.

When Should You Consult a Physician?

If you encounter any of the above symptoms in your legs or arms, it is essential to seek your healthcare provider for a checkup. If these symptoms are effectively evaluated, this may prevent you from getting further damage in your heart and blood vessels. Earlier consultation may prevent problems like heart attack, bursting of arteries due to blockages, internal bleeding, and loss of your feet or arm. You should also consult your doctor if you encounter symptoms such as temporary memory loss, fainting or loss of consciousness, pain in the chest, severe headache with unknown cause, and difficulties in walking.

The circulatory system is essential to your survival. Knowing your health status plays a significant role in your life. If you encounter abnormal body behavior, you should consult your health care provider immediately. Hamilton Vascular is a healthcare center that manages and treats your circulatory system disorders.

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