The Most Common Menstrual Problems

Menstrual Problems

Girls around the age of 12, and even younger in some cases, will start having their monthly period. Some girls can have their monthly period a lot later as well. It starts at different times for every girl, but all women have to go through this process. Monthly menstruation ends at the age of 40 or later, and this is called the menopausal stage. Having your menstrual period is a sign of becoming a woman. It’s a stage where you are no longer considered a child, but are already transitioning to a young adult. There will be many changes and dometimes it would feel great, but mostly some young women don’t feel good about it. Here are some of the most common menstrual problems.

PMS Or Post Menstrual Syndrome

Post menstrual syndrome happens 3 to 4 days before your monthly period arrives. The change in hormone levels might have different effects for every woman. You might feel a couple or even more of these symptoms:

  • Food cravings
  • Feeling bloated
  • Feeling irritable
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Acne
  • Backache
  • Sore breasts

Though these symptoms are felt just before your menstrual period, it has some tendency to become severe. You should seek doctor’s help when you think that your PMS is worse than normal.


Cramps are caused by a chemical in the body called prostaglandin. The muscle in the uterus contracts and this what creates pain that can be severe. These cramps usually happen from the first to the third day of the menstrual period. If the cramps becomes so severe or it lasts longer than it should have, you may want to visit a women clinic to get a check up.

Irregular Menstrual Period

The regular menstrual period of a woman is usually under a cycle of 24 to 28 days. A woman should have a regular menstrual period monthly. Some women could have a slight irregular menstrual period running a cycle of 30 to 40 days, which can happen and shouldn’t be something to be concerned about. If the irregularity of the menstrual period is severe, you should see your doctor. Having an irregular menstrual period might lead to unwanted pregnancy if you are using a calendar method.

Delayed Menstrual Period

There are teens that we call late bloomers where they get their monthly period on their teen years or later. There is nothing to worry about, this happens to many girls. However, if you don’t have your monthly period a few years after puberty has started, you should consult your doctor. In many races and other parts of the world, some girls have their period as early as 9 years old and as late as 15 years old.


Amenorrhea is a problem when a girl doesn’t have her period by the age of 15 or years after her puberty started. Though for some girls, this is just called being a late bloomer, but there is a chance of this being amenorrhea already. Having amenorrhea can lead to secondary amenorrhea which can then lead to unwanted pregnancy because of irregularity in the menstrual cycle. Symptoms could include anorexia, weight loss, stress and anxiety.


Menorrhagia is an irregularity in menstrual flow. A woman experiencing long monthly periods or super heavy flow is an example of this. There are some women who can have their monthly period for a whole month. Some also experience such severe heavy flow that they are not able to go out of the house. Menorrhagia is commonly caused by an imbalance in progesterone and estrogen.


Painful periods is what a lot of women know this menstrual problem as. Some women experience only a mild pain. For this case, you can try to take some ibuprofen or other pain relivers. But for some women who experience severe pain, you should visit a women clinic for help.


Endometriosis is a condition where tissues grow outside the ovary or fallopian tubes. Endometriosis can cause abnormal bleeding.

You should seek the help of your gynecologist once you think that what you are experiencing is not normal. Make a log off your monthly menstrual period so you will be able to notice if you are having an abnormal menstrual cycle. Clean hygiene should be the main priority of a woman to avoid any gynecological problem. Make sure that you change your sanitary napkin often so that bacteria will not accumulate in it.

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