Skin Makeover at Sanctuary Medical Center

Skin Makeover

Are you tired of the expense and tedious nature of removing unwanted hair from your body and face areas? Sanctuary Medical Center in Florida is the place to settle your problems. The staff are highly trained to offer quality and reliable services to their clients. They use the Candela GentleMax to eliminate at least 80 percent of unwanted hair on the body. The hair removal process may take a series of treatments to reach the wanted goal. The technique of laser hair removal in Boca Raton puts your shaving days behind you by providing a permanent solution for unwanted hair. Laser hair removal eliminates hair from the following body parts: chest, upper lip, back, legs, bikini line, arms and armpits, and sideburns. Apart from laser hair removal, Sanctuary Medical Center offers the following services: skincare, skin tightening, fillers and lifts, wrinkle relief, body sculpting, skin correction, and dermatology.


Medical dermatology is a field of medicine that works hard to ensure your skin stays healthy. At the clinic, doctors treat a wide range of disorders related to skin cancer and fungal infections. Skin discoloration is one of the diseases that can cause low self-esteem and injure confidence. Examples of skin discoloration issues the clinic can treat include vitiligo, melisma, rosacea, port-wine stain, and spider veins.

Wrinkle Relief

A wrinkle is a line of weakness on the face mainly located at the cheeks and the forehead. They give a person an aging image. Many people find it uncomfortable to have wrinkles as they hate to grow old. Treatment for wrinkles includes botox, disport, and Xeomin. Botox remains to be one of the most popular and effective non-surgical treatments for wrinkles. It is made of a natural toxin that can erase crow’s feet on the eyes and frown lines on brows, among others. Botox works effectively after two weeks, where the entire wrinkle tends to smoothen. Dysport lasts for four months up to a year.

Fillers and Lifts

Fillers and lifts are techniques used to restore lost volume in the face. The condition of losing face volume with aging is expected as you grow old because stores of facial fat, hyaluronic acid, elastin, and collagen decline, resulting in distortion of cheeks shapes, evidenced by sagging skin, hollow cheeks, deep socketed eyes, and jowls. Volume restoration is done by applying Juvederm volume, a thick gel responsible for adding volume to the face.

Laser Skin Tightening

Saggy skin is a result of many factors which include UV rays from the sun and time. Collagen is responsible for making your skin look tight, and laser skin tightening boosts collagen production, resulting in making the skin stronger, healthier, and more firm. Lasers introduce a wound healing process that, in turn, stimulates the blood circulation in the body. This effect leads to the production of strong elastin and collagen strands, resulting in firm and tight skin.

If you require the above services, you can seek help from the doctors at Sanctuary Medical Center. With experienced staff, you can receive quality services at a minimum cost. They offer a wide range of services apart from aestheticism. You can book an online appointment to meet with the doctor. Visit them at the clinic located in Boca Raton, Florida.

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