Pain Management Strategies

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There is a higher likelihood of experiencing pain as we grow old, and women are more predisposed to pain than men. Pain is normal and can come and go away on its own, but you should know the type of pain you are experiencing. People can experience two common pains, one is the acute type, which is a response to trauma or injury. The other form of pain is chronic pain, which continues past the expected time of healing. You should know how to deal with pain as your emotional well-being will determine the impact of the pain on your overall well-being. Find Dr. Mahan Ostadian, who is a pain specialist with a specialization in interventional pain management and could help with the diagnosis and treatment of your pain.

Managing Pain without Medicine

  • Heat and cold treatment

You can use a pack of ice on an injury or the swollen part to reduce the swelling, as ice helps numb the injury and helps you heal quickly. You can also use heat pads on joint injuries, which are causing chronic pain; heat helps the muscles relax and activates blood flow, which results in oxygenation of the injured tissues making the pain go away quickly.

  • Physical therapy

If you have immobility issues, a therapist can provide you with movements that help ease your condition. It would help if you started with simple stretches, walking, and aerobic exercises that can help reduce pain. You should be careful not to cause further injuries with excessive movements that could make your condition worse.

  • Meditation and yoga

The mental state determines the effect of pain, and if you are relaxed, you will be in a good mood. A good mood leads to the release of hormones that helps regulate the effects of the pain. You can practice relaxation strategies and yoga as a way of managing stress.

  • Massage

Putting gentle pressure on the muscles helps with blood circulation and can be used as a long-term way of managing pain. It would help if you were careful not to put too much pressure on the injured part, as this can result in further pain and injury.

Interventional Methods of Pain Management

Interventional methods of pain management use medications which have nerve-blocking effects, and non-invasive surgical means of pain management. These medications include analgesics, nonsteroidal, muscle relaxers, narcotic medications, and antidepressants.

Benefits of Interventional Pain-Relieving Medications

The medicines are used to reduce pain. If the procedure involves surgery, the doctor will make small incisions on the injured area, and in most cases, a patient won’t need stitches or bandages.

The practice has minimized risks as the doctor makes small incisions that are related to non-invasive surgeries. In most cases, the medications work on the nerves reducing inflammation leading to effective pain management. The patient will experience recovery faster since most procedures only require minimal incisions.

Bottom Line

As people grow older, they are predisposed to pain. Knowing how to manage the pain determines if they lead a fulfilling life or not. When dealing with pain, find a doctor who will guide you on the home remedies that work for your condition as well as other effective interventional pain management techniques.

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