Beef Jerky – Make Perfect Snack At Home

Beef Jerky is acceptable in every nook and corner of the world. It is a wonderful snack and since long people are making it. It is dried slices of meat flavored with spices with minimum fat percentage, but full of high quality proteins. Only a 30 g of beef jerky can provide you 10 to 15 g of lean protein content along with carbohydrates and fat. It is acceptable everywhere and people love this snack because it has a low calorie count yet mouthwatering flavors. You can make Beef Jerky by yourself or purchase from an online store.

Making Beef Jerky At Home

In order to make beef jerky, you are supposed to take boneless pieces of meat and cut them into pieces. You may find it difficult to make the thin slices of the same. To make it hard enough so that you can make thin slices, keep this meat in the freezer. You can take off the fat from the meat before putting it into the freezer.

Check it out after a couple of hours and then make thin slices. The process is simple and convenient. Next thing you can do is to marinate according to your favorite recipe. If you are not aware of any other recipe, then add vinegar, salt and olive oil and leave it overnight in the refrigerator.


After this you are supposed to dehydrate the meat. It may take a couple of hours to properly cook it. You can do it in an oven and after the process is over, Beef Jerky will have a deep brown color. Pack your preparation in airtight bags and refrigerate to prevent rotting. If you think you are unable to make a mouthwatering delicacy by yourself, then you can opt for online shops which are promising to provide natural products.

Better Alternative

People who are health conscious and do not want to consume more calories. They can use this to keep a check on their calorie intake, they can opt for this because this is a wonderful alternative to satisfy the craving for food. After eating this you will not consume much calories or carbohydrates. Your stomach will always have a feeling of fullness and this will prevent you eat more. These beef jerky is available in different types of packing which you can take while going out. Different types of flavors are also available like pepper, garlic and honey.

Other than enjoying the wonderful taste of beef jerky, you are also supposed to understand that if it is not properly cooked, then it may bring different health issues. That is why it is imperative on your part to properly dehydrate the meat or to roast the meat. This will prevent any kind of decomposition and no bacterial action will take place. Keep the utensils and equipment clean while preparing the beef jerky at home. If you can take care of these things, it will reduce the chances of E coli and other bacterial infections. Salt is also used in marination to avoid spoilage and the growth of microorganisms.

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